Wednesday, August 3, 2016

// lately //

Click on images to enlarge...
Watching the storm... was quite a downpour

But the sun came out soon after

Rolling around, then...

...catching some Zs

Enjoying the garden, apres-swim

Admiring his new grill

Friday, March 11, 2016

Dog, not a dog? An existential crisis.

"People tell me I'm sweet, does that mean I'm a baked good?"
An entire breed of dogs have found themselves questioning their existence this month, thanks to the "Chihuahua or Muffin" meme making its way around the internet. "One is still what one is going to cease to be and already what one is going to become - does that mean I'm going to become a muffin?" asked Linda, a soulful-eyed Chihuahua aimlessly wandering Toronto's Bayview Village Mall. "I'm not going near that bakery, though."
Via @YMPhillips and @teenybiscuit on Twitter
W Network celebrity and canine Master of Flip Chubbs Wilson was recently weighed in on the controversy:
Dog is not the sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have. Such as a muffin breakfast. Say, you're not going to eat that, are you, Kortney?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Rejected Bath & Body Works Fragrances

Humphrey loves all things olfactory! Much to his surprise, the following were rejected by pervasive soap retailer Bath & Body Works...

Scintilla of Reason
California Callous
Warm Sugared Gefilte
Existential Despair
Autumn Compost
All About Raymond
Tingling Foot
Cactus Flower Caucus
Don’t Touch Me There
Swirling Rubbish
Damp Shi-Tzu
Merlot and Broken Dreams
Eternally Carp
A Thousand Lies
Rush Hour Manspread
Moist Sock
Hipster Beard
Festering Discomfort
Moonlit Chernobyl Glow

Island Leakage